Business Wire, EETimes: The Camera Phone Image Quality (CPIQ) effort started in 2007 as a project at the International Imaging Industry Association (I3A). The IEEE acquired the project and related assets from I3A and officially re-launched the project in March as IEEE P1858.
"IEEE is the obvious choice to take CPIQ to the next level," said Lisa Walker, president of I3A. "The competency that IEEE has built around assessing mobile-video quality provides an opportunity for an easy transition and expansion of the work to important, related areas such as video."
It’s not yet clear what certification or validation procedures the group may define. However its work is expected to be finished in 18-24 months, said Edward Rashba, an IEEE director of new business ventures. "If engineers can build to a common spec and performance requirements that will be a good outcome," he said.
"IEEE is the obvious choice to take CPIQ to the next level," said Lisa Walker, president of I3A. "The competency that IEEE has built around assessing mobile-video quality provides an opportunity for an easy transition and expansion of the work to important, related areas such as video."
It’s not yet clear what certification or validation procedures the group may define. However its work is expected to be finished in 18-24 months, said Edward Rashba, an IEEE director of new business ventures. "If engineers can build to a common spec and performance requirements that will be a good outcome," he said.