Raytrix published its presentation at Nvidia GPU Technology Conference held in May 2012 in San Jose, CA. The 38min-long video explains the technology behind its light field camera:
The video is mostly based on the company's technology presentation from 2011. By that time the lightfield cameras competitive landscape looked like that (note, Lytro was not in production yet):
The latest Raytrix R11 camera has an array of about 20,000 microlenses, produces 2.7MP images out of 11MP sensor and uses a fast Nvidia GeForce GTX 580 card to deliver 30fps video. The camera costs 20,000 euros.
A nice overview of light field cameras was published by IEEE Spectrum in May 2012.
The video is mostly based on the company's technology presentation from 2011. By that time the lightfield cameras competitive landscape looked like that (note, Lytro was not in production yet):
The latest Raytrix R11 camera has an array of about 20,000 microlenses, produces 2.7MP images out of 11MP sensor and uses a fast Nvidia GeForce GTX 580 card to deliver 30fps video. The camera costs 20,000 euros.
A nice overview of light field cameras was published by IEEE Spectrum in May 2012.