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Open access Remote Sensing journal published a nice paper comparing PMD's CamCube3.0 and Mesa Imaging's SR-4000 ToF cameras and also giving a nice background on other ToF solutions:
SR-4000 and CamCube3.0 Time of Flight (ToF) Cameras: Tests and ComparisonDario Piatti and Fulvio Rinaudo
DITAG, Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy
The paper starts with a nice table filled with parameters of many ToF cameras, both historical and available now on the market:
The influence of camera warm-up on distance measurement is analyzed: a warm-up of 40 minutes is suggested to obtain the measurement stability, especially in the case of the PMD's CamCube3.0. Depth accuracy tests have shown similar numbers of of order of millimeters for both cameras.
Mesa's SR-4000 is on the left, PMD's CamCube3.0 on the right. Question mark means the accuracy has not been measured yet. |
Vision Systems Design.
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