Right to Information Before booking online for MMD Exams
Candidate Application for Exam Seat Booking, should be filled up only by the candidates who are going to apply for the examination. In the event of Information being found false or incorrect the candidature is liable to be cancelled automatically without any Notice to the candidate and necessary action will be taken as per the law and jurisdiction.
After registration two Hard copy of application should be taken and one should be subimitted to MMD Chennai within the 7 days from the date of registering and another copy to be retained by the candidate for future reference. If the candidate fails to submit the hard copy with in 7 days, the candidature will be cancelled automatically without any notice. The booking does not confirm the seat untill the hardcopy of the document is verified and accepted. The seat availablity is subjected to change without any prior notice and the rights is reserved by the MMD Chennai.
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