Mariners Repository
Knowledge is an endless frontier,ever expanding and spread all over.Some part has been digitized,but a large part still exists in a published format.
Learning is a lifelong process, incomplete in ones lifetime even to gather a drop in the vast ocean of knowledge.
A proactive approach supported by properly understood concepts is more relevant in this present scenario to move ahead .
A proactive approach supported by properly understood concepts is more relevant in this present scenario to move ahead .
The list of concepts is endless and it takes time and effort to condense and present them in a simple format read and easily understood by all.
This site is intended for Students, Academia , Working professionals and others interested , to provide a one stop ready reference into various concepts and working practices.
This is a compilation of my research and notes over a period of more than two decades updated on a regular basis , presented in a simple conceptual fashion , aiming to make it a one stop ready reference for all.
It will always be my sincere endeavor to update all articles as per latest technical advances , and improve the quality through feedback from Academia, Students, Colleagues ,Professionals and Fraternity of the industry.