Kick-off Point and Build-Up Rate
The selection of both the kick-off point and the build-up rate depends on
many factors. Several being hole pattern, casing program, mud program,
required horizontal displacement and maximum tolerable inclination.
Choice of kick-off points can be limited by requirements to keep the well
path at a safe distance from existing wells. The shallower the KOP and the
higher the build-up rate used, the lower the maximum inclination.
Build-up rates are usually in the range 1.5°/100' M.D. to 4.0°/100' M.D. for
normal directional wells. Maximum permissible dogleg severity must be
considered when choosing the appropriate rate.
In practice, well trajectory can be calculated for several KOPs and build-up
rates and the results compared. The optimum choice is one which gives a
safe clearance from all existing wells, keeps the maximum inclination
within desired limits and avoids unnecessarily high dogleg severities.
The selection of both the kick-off point and the build-up rate depends on
many factors. Several being hole pattern, casing program, mud program,
required horizontal displacement and maximum tolerable inclination.
Choice of kick-off points can be limited by requirements to keep the well
path at a safe distance from existing wells. The shallower the KOP and the
higher the build-up rate used, the lower the maximum inclination.
Build-up rates are usually in the range 1.5°/100' M.D. to 4.0°/100' M.D. for
normal directional wells. Maximum permissible dogleg severity must be
considered when choosing the appropriate rate.
In practice, well trajectory can be calculated for several KOPs and build-up
rates and the results compared. The optimum choice is one which gives a
safe clearance from all existing wells, keeps the maximum inclination
within desired limits and avoids unnecessarily high dogleg severities.